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Can You Buy Cannabis Seeds Legally in the UK?

If the legal landscape of cannabis isn’t confusing enough, cannabis seeds operate in an entirely different way in comparison to buying marijuana or CBD products. While buying seeds is generally considered legal, it’s the act of germination (or growing them that raises a red flag with authorities in the UK. The reason you can find cannabis seeds for sale in shops or from suppliers online is that it IS legal to BUY cannabis seeds in the UK. This is where the confusion comes in, many people assume that since you can purchase seeds legally, then you can also grow them legally which is not the case at all. We will break it all down for you so there is no further confusion about the legality of buying cannabis seeds in the UK. Buying Cannabis Seeds in the UK – Is it Legal? In the UK, cannabis seeds are legal to…

6 Unknown Uses of Cannabis

Cannabis Sativa, more commonly known as marijuana is a plant that is mostly used for recreational purposes. Two commonly used compounds are extracted from the marijuana plant with number one being THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and number two is CBD (Cannabidiol). THC is psychoactive which means by using it you’ll get high or intoxicated. Whereas CBD has non-psychoactive and has pain-relieving properties, so it is widely used for the treatment of health issues like muscle pains, headaches, panic disorder, anxiety disorder and insomnia. CBD oil is also used for calming pets who are prone to stress or have separation anxiety. Cannabis has several uses: Chronic Pain Relief Medicinal marijuana is widely used all over the world for the treatment of severe pain. Marijuana contains compounds called cannabinoids which are associated with pain-relieving properties. Cannabinoids have a very specific chemical make-up which makes them very effective in the treatment of chronic pain. Improves…

Why is it High Time We Make CBD Legal?

Known for its medical remedies centuries back, Cannabis has been used by monks and healers for its curative properties. Even now its popularity is ever-growing with new CBD products coming in the UK market. But, there is still some scepticism around making CBD legal completely. What Is CBD? CBD is a non-psychoactive compound from the cannabis plant that helps relieve inflammation, stress, and insomnia. CBD can be blended into creams, gels capsules or edibles. It works with brain receptors and nerves and focuses on where the body needs it to. Will It Get You High? Cannabis is made of two types of Cannabinoids to be specific Cannabidiol (CBD) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). While THC does contain properties that cause a drugging or “high” effect, CBD doesn’t. Once removed from hemp or cannabis, CBD can be added to a few items, such as creams, oils or even gummies. CBD and Its Advantages…

CBD Info Guide