how long does cannabis stay in blood

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How Long Does Cannabis Stay in Your System?

Even though some countries have legalised the use of marijuana (aka cannabis or weed), it is still illegal in the UK. However, the police and authorities have significantly relaxed their attitude toward the recreational use of marijuana in recent years. And with CBD products gaining momentum for their healing properties, cannabis in all its forms is being more widely used and accepted than ever. Since using marijuana is still illegal, certain employers still require drug tests for employment. This raises an interesting and important question – how long does weed stay in your system? If you want to know the answer, keep reading! THC – What Is It and How Does It Affect Drug Tests? Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is what gives you that euphoric high you get when using marijuana. Frequent use of marijuana causes THC to build up in the body’s fatty tissues quicker than your body can eliminate it.…

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