Benefits of CBD Oil among the elderly

Without a shadow of doubt, the use of CBD products has exponentially grown in the past years. From oils, creams, topicals and drinks; the CBD industry has thrived unlike any other.
To kick things off, lets quickly breakdown

What is CBD Oil?

Not to be confused with the chemical THC, the non-psychoactive compound CBD is rich in phyto-cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, amino acids, pigments, vitamins and other active compounds of the cannabis sativa plant. Studies have been conducted and have evidently determined that Cannabidiol is a potent antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties.

Uses of CBD Oil

Studies conducted have found that CBD Oil acts relaxing on the skin, prevents drying of the skin whilst working to reduce the healing time and ensuring optimal protection against the tragic outbreaks faced by many and other bodily damages. CBD may improve the skin’s defence mechanism and its ability to regenerate and is suitable for relieving and eliminating many skin problems.
Through the inherently present vitamins and essential fatty acids, CBD Oil
Wondering if regular oils come with the same properties? Nope!
The magnificence of CBD Oil is only to be found in well, CBD Oil ofcourse and nowhere else.

So why settle for less?

You may think CBD Oil is solely suitable for the younger generation or perhaps those that get prescribed CBD, Guess what! You had it wrong.
The astronomical rise in CBD Oil with the elderly community has caught the attention of many individuals, and whilst one may think it poses a threat to seniors, CBD Oil instead provides indispensable benefits to any consumer.

First things first, let’s discuss the primitive benefits of CBD Oil.
Conducted by various institutes and organisations, the magnificence of CBD is certainly not to be taken lightly.
Actually, before we dive into CBD Oil and its rising use in the elderly community, let’s start with the

why do the elderly community use CBD Oil?

Well, you see, our body produces its own innate cannabinoids. Yes!
We have cannabinoids in our body right now working their magic. Yet, as you age, the rate at which your ECS (endocannabinoid system) works significantly decreases. Hence the need to use a small dosage of external cannabinoids to boost the already present cannabinoids and maximise the benefits of both CBD and our ECS. As we all know life expectancy is drastically increasing in our generation. Thanks to advancements in all fields, from medical to technological. The death rate is slowly decreasing as the UK moves in to the 4th stage of the Demographic Transition model. Due to this feat, our wonderful seniors will hence need ranges of different treatments and will encounter several issues both internally and externally with their aging bodies.
The primitive benefits of CBD and the ECS lie at the heart of its intrinsic ingredients; from the ideal ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 oils to the essential fatty acids present. CBD is truly a wonder.
Well, whilst anybody can freely use CBD, a topic that has somewhat remained shrouded in mystery is the prolific benefits of CBD within the elderly community. So, lets explore the myriad of benefits of CBD and in consequence,

What is the massive impact CBD having on our wonderful seniors?

Whilst some may refuse to acknowledge the fact that they are inexorably transitioning into an older stage in life, others merely embrace it – the fact is – we all get old right?
So why not make the most of it?
However, with age comes a few unfortunate issues.
With a plethora of seniors living with the horrors of arthritis and chronic pain – a common illness in today’s day and age. The desire to combat such tragedies is on the horizon.
So, here’s where CBD Oil comes in to play.
Studies conducted over recent time have evidently concluded that chemicals present in CBD Oil can distinctly reduce inflammation and alleviate pain from conditions such as Arthritis, Joint Pain and Multiple Sclerosis (MS).
By activating various receptors in the Endocannabinoid System, experts have determined that patients treated with CBD experience a “clinically significant reduction” in pain related symptoms with little to no adverse side effects.
As a natural alternative to traditional pain medications, CBD forms a compelling case for health care professionals and senior caregivers.
Based on the inevitable fact that we all get old; the aging body can indefinitely be affiliated with the growing threat of numerable health conditions. Most notably, those associated with the brain and heart.

Research at the Harvard Neurodiscovery centre states that:

  • 5 million senior citizens suffer from Alzheimer’s
  • 1 million senior citizens suffer from Parkinson’s
  • 300 thousand senior citizens suffer from MS

And whilst these numbers are on the rise, Could CBD be the solution for keeping our seniors healthier for sustained periods of time, is the real question here.
As a neuroprotective substance, its remarkable ability to protect against the degeneration and dysfunction of the brain through the thorough protection of nerve cells poses a profoundly enticing argument that therefore suggests, perhaps there is a way to defend against such a barbaric condition, tearing and shattering families apart

Diving into the various benefits of CBD Oil, for seniors, the initial claim of helping induce a state of rest and tranquillity remains entirely unparalleled with any other source of medication. Although profoundly common sleeping disorders can be experienced by any ages, it is significantly more common to have sleeping issues when having reached a certain age. Experts suggest that this is evidently caused by a gradual shift in our sleeping patterns as we grow older, alongside the chemical imbalance caused by other prescribed medications.
We all know of CBD’s acclaimed ability to help ease pressure and manage stress. Let us discuss the bad side of these medication;

Are they all really worth it?

So why should we turn to sleeping pills and Why should we harm our body with medication that is somewhat shrouded in an enigma. Talking about medication, CBD can in fact provide an alternative solution to various prescription-based medications that can perhaps be commonly found lurking in the elderly community. As well working its magic to treat the given condition CBD had been used to fight against, its innate properties also provide other emphatic benefits as a bonus.
So hey, Get two for the price of one right!

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